Resources - Image/Photo Resources

Everything you need to help craft and deliver your message

Resources - Image/Photo Resources

The human brain is remarkably sophisticated when it comes to processing images. Great images can evoke strong emotions or build memorable associations. The better the quality of the picture used in a presentation, the better the association made with the related material.

We highly recommend using the best photos and artwork your budget will allow. All of the images used to build this website and our instructional program come from this resource list.

Using Royalty Free Images is very important so that there is a one-time fee. It is important to review the terms of use to ensure it suits your needs. There are also sites that offer fully free images with perhaps the requirement to note the photo source when using the image. It is imperative you follow the guidelines of use for any image (ie. Editorial use only images). Some sites may require you to fill out a registration form.

Prices vary greatly for Royalty Free images, but generally, we find what we are looking for at a cost of about $2 per image at our top two sites noted below.

It is of vital importance before downloading and using an image that you understand how that image may be used. Whether a royalty free site or from a free from licencing site get a clear understanding of how an image may be used (print, editorial, online etc) Every image site is different as to how images can be used.


Royalty Free Paid Sites
This is one of our favorite sites that include many resources aside from images with their monthly fee. You can cancel your membership any time. source we have used regularly with very good pricing.


Free Images

The internet’s source of freely-usable images.
Free images for your inspiration, reference, and use in your creative work, be it commercial or not!    

Free Range Stock
Just sign up for a free membership, log in, and download high-quality, high- resolution free stock photos and free textures.
Search through the categories of using their search engine for a particular image type.